The challenge

The system integrator Monerjan Medientechnik rolls out IP-based kvm extender programme for the Austrain TVprogramm from ProSieben Sat 1
The television programme of ATV, the private Austrian television programme of ATV Privat TV GmbH & Co KG. ATV offers a full program with own news and about 40% own productions.
ATV wants to offer viewers „Television to experience“ and reaches an average of more than one million viewers per day with its own productions
ATV was looking for a newer and more modern KVM solution for their playout, broadcast control, direction and office workstations. A KVM matrix with many endpoints connected via several HP switches was needed. It was also important that access to virtual machines is enabled.
The kvm-tec solution
Several manufacturers of KVM extenders have been evaluated and tested at ATV. In the tender, where Monjeran Medientechnik offered the extenders and gateways from kvm-tec, the extenders from kvm-tec were selected for this project.
The project was very carefully planned and prepared for installation. In a very close cooperation the project was pre-installed and pre-configured at kvm-tec and afterwards put into operation step by step at ATV.
215 endpoints were installed in this project, the product choice – MATRIXLINE MX. A FUll HD Extender in copper and fiber, which can be installed in a matrix switching system with up to 2000 endpoints and also meets the requirements for an ergonomic broadcast workstation with the software feature Mouse glide & Switch. All kvm-tec Extender over IP are installed in a separate network and the management is done with the Matrix Switching Manager Software
Another requirement was access to virtual machines for playout, which the kvm-tec gateway fulfilled perfectly.
The gateway allows access to virtual machines in addition to your real time switching system and is the perfect combination of a real time KVM system and a flexible remote desktop system. the gateway has the function of a thin client and in combination with MX Local Extender, is the ideal combination with virtual machines in the switching system. In this system, 15 gateways have been installed and allow you to operate with the virtual machines.
ATV & kvm-tec are going the green way
Cables, boxes and more …
ATV the Austrian television broadcaster and kvm-tec, the Austrian manufacturer of KVM extenders and matrix switching systems dispensed with unnecessary packaging and cable material for this project. To reduce waste the extenders were delivered in reusable boxes and ATV did not require all cables and alternatively reused their cables.